Conservation & Science Education
We are most interested in exploring the training and preparation of K-12 teachers in environmental literacy, ecological knowledge, and perceptions of real-world issues related to the environment and conservation. Even more so, we are passionate about exploring the land ethic, stewardship, and affinity towards nature that is present in students attending underserved, urban schools. In addition, we are interested in investigating student perceptions in belonging, identity, and representation in STEM classrooms.
Learn more about our ongoing project below!
Cal Poly Wild
Diverse Stories in STEM
EMBRACE: Education in Molecular Biology, Representation, And Cultural Equity
Environmental ineQuities in UrbAn Landscapes (EQUAL): Exploring Human Health & Biodiversity in an Introductory Biology Laboratory CURE
Education Research Interests:
Professional development of teachers
Curriculum development and evaluation
Visiting scientists in the classroom
Practice of inquiry in biology education at the university level
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

Urban Wildlife Ecology
Learn more about our ongoing projects below!
Urban Parrot Project
Urban Wildlife Information Network
We are most interested in work relating to population monitoring, particularly involving non-native species, behavior, habitat use through the use of GIS and remote sensing techniques and field surveys, human attitudes and perceptions towards wildlife.